Reported Speech

1.  Considere a frase: If you don’t feed your Tamagotchi, it will die. Escolha a melhor opção para reescrevê-la, começando com

She told me that_________________

a) if I won’t feed my Tamagotchi, it would die.
b) if you didn’t feed your Tamagotchi, it had died.
c) if I didn’t feed my Tamagotchi, it would have died.
d) if I didn’t feed my Tamagotchi, it would die.
e) if you haven’t fed your Tamagotchi, it will have died.

Alternativa d) if I didn’t feed my Tamagotchi, it would die.

2.  The girl said to her parents, "Mom and Dad, the police were here while you were gone." If we turned this sentence into Reported Speech we would have:

The girl said to her parents that the police__________________

a) had been there while they had been gone.
b) had been here while they had gone.
c) have been there while they were gone.
d) have been here while they would be gone.
e) would have been there while they have been gone.

Alternativa a) had been there while they had been gone.

3.  They said, "Do parents know their kids?" in the Reported Speech would be:

a) They said that did parents know their kids?
b) They asked that parents know their kids.
c) They said that parents knew the kids.
d) They argued that do parents know their kids.
e) They asked if parents knew their kids.

Alternativa e: They asked if parents knew their kids.

4.  Read this sentence:

He said that he____________ this trend toward reduced risk.

a) is happy they found
b) has been happy we have found
c) was happy they had found
d) will be happy we will find
e) would be happy they would find

Alternativa c) was happy they had found

5.  Considere a frase "It's a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes, says Stampfer." Assinale a alternativa em que a transposição dessa frase para o discurso indireto está correta, completando a frase a seguir.

Stampfer says ______________________________

a) it was a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
b) it is a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
c) it has been a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
d) it had been a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
e) it will be a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.

Alternativa b) it is a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.

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