Verbos regulares e irregulares

I. John study engineering at my university.
II. Helene is going to live in London last year.
III. Pedro wishes he can read more this month.
IV. When I grew up , I want to be a jazz singer.

Choose the best alternative to replace the verbs in the sentences above:

a) Is studying – went to – cannot – grow up.
b) Studied – will – could – grow up.
c) Studies – was going to – could – grow up.
d) Studies – goes – could – grown up.
e) Studied – was going to – cannot – grown up.

Alternativa correta: c) Studies – was going to – could – grow up

2. When Carlos has a headache, he __________ some tea.

a) is drinking
b) drank
c) used to drink
d) drinks
e) would drink.

3. Alternativa correta: d) drinks

John __________ me some money last week.

a) sends
b) send
c) sent
d) sending
e) to send

Alternativa correta: c) sent

4. O infinitivo de "stood" e "felt":

a) stand - feel
b) steal - fall
c) stride - fly
d) stay - fear

Alternativa correta: a) stand - feel

5. She did not tell me the truth. She __________ to me.

a) lie
b) lain
c) laid
d) lay
e) lied

Alternativa correta: e) lied

6. Things ___________ a lot since October.

a) changed has
b) are changing
c) has changed
d) change
e) have changed

Alternativa correta: e) have changed

7. Brazil __________ last year’s world soccer championship.

a) win
b) won
c) wins
d) to win
e) winning

Alternativa correta: b) won

8. Marque o “past tense” de SPEND, LEAVE e KNOW:
a) spended – leaved – known
b) spent – left – knew
c) spended – left – knew
d) spent – leaved – known

Alternativa correta: b) spent – left – knew

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