quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2019

Inglês - Passive Voice

Regras e Exemplos
A voz passiva pode ser utilizada em frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas. Sua formação é expressa por:

Objeto + verbo to be + particípio passado do verbo principal + complemento

Usamos esse tipo de construção quando o sujeito da frase é indeterminado.

Ela pode ser utilizada em diversos tempos verbais do presente, do passado e do futuro. Confira abaixo alguns exemplos:

Presente (Present)
Simple Present: am/is/are + particípio

Affirmative Form: The school is painted by John.
Negative Form: The school isn’t painted by John.
Interrogative Form: Is the school painted by Jonh?
Present Continuous: am/is/are being + particípio

Affirmative Form: The school is being painted by John.
Negative Form: The school isn’t being painted by John.
Interrogative Form: Is the school being painted by John?
Present Perfect: has/have been + particípio

Affirmative Form: The school has been painted by John.
Negative Form: The school hasn’t been painted by John.
Interrogative Form: Has the school been painted by John?
Passado (Past)
Simple Past: was/were + particípio

Affirmative Form: The school was painted by John.
Negative Form: The school wasn’t painted by John.
Interrogative Form: Was the school painted by John?
Past Continuous: was/were being + particípio

Affirmative Form: The school was being painted by John.
Negative Form: The school wasn’t being painted by John.
Interrogative Form: Was the school being painted by John?
Past Perfect: had been + particípio

Affirmative Form: The school had been painted by John.
Negative Form: The school hadn’t been painted by John.
Interrogative Form: Had the school been painted by John?
Futuro (Future)
Simple Future: will be + particípio

Affirmative Form: The school will be painted by John.
Negative Form: The school won’t be painted by John.
Interrogative Form: Will the school be painted by John?
Future Perfect: will have been + particípio

Affirmative Form: By next week, the school will have been painted by John.
Negative Form: By next week, the school won’t have been painted by John.
Interrogative Form: Will the school have been painted by next week by John?
Modal Verbs (Verbos Modais)

No caso do uso dos verbos modais, a construção é feita da seguinte maneira:

Modal verb + be + particípio passado

Os principais verbos modais são: will, would, can, could, must, should, may, might, ought to, have to, etc.

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